The Rifle by Gary Paulsen
I had very little desire to read The Rifle by Gary Paulsen, but since it was of great interest to our boys especially, and covered one of our favorite time periods, it was chosen as a read aloud. The author described the fashioning of a rifle in 1768 so vividly, it seemed as though Cornish…
Profiles of Valor by Marilyn Boyer
Profiles of Valor by Marilyn Boyer was an interesting book to read as a Canadian, still part of the British Commonwealth that the Founding Fathers of America fought for freedom from when it was ruled by King George III. It chronologically follows the events that happened during the War of Independence from 1775-1783, with a…
Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Turning the last page of Johnny Tremain evoked audible sighs all around the room. What an experience to live in Boston during the latter half of the 1700s over the past few weeks! Author Esther Forbes introduced us to a plethora of interesting characters a few years before the Revolutionary War took place. They developed…