The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare was one of my favorite books my mother read to me, and I’m thrilled that our children love it just the same! This piece of historical fiction explores the early Roman Empire through the eyes of Daniel, an 18 year-old Israelite growing up during the time of Jesus.…
Boy of the Pyramids by Ruth Fosdick Jones
Ancient Egypt and the early Old Testament is the overarching theme of our school year. I missed laying this foundation in the early years before learning of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education, so we’re back tracking a bit to build upon it going forward, Lord willing, as we travel through HIS(story) of HIS world. Boy…
Caleb’s Lamb by Helen Santos
Caleb’s Lamb by Helen Santos is one of the greatest gems in our collection of children’s stories. Scripture is full of sheep and shepherd imagery: we, the sheep, and Jesus, our Great Shepherd who leads us.Through the mountains and fields with Asher The Shepherd and his flock; and Caleb, Asher’s aspiring shepherd-son and his precious…