Category: Young Children

  • Journey to America by Sonia Levitin

    Journey to America by Sonia Levitin

    Journey To America by Sonia Levitin was a much enjoyed read aloud from the Word War 2 Era. If you are concerned about the worst of history repeating itself in our children’s lifetime, this is an eye-opening book to read. Much of what happened in 2020 was happening in Germany, circa 1938. The story is…

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  • The Secret of the Village Fool by Rebecca Upjohn

    The Secret of the Village Fool by Rebecca Upjohn

    I was happy to find a copy of The Secret of the Village Fool by Rebecca Upjohn at the thrift store! We had borrowed it from the library a few times, and our youngest son particularly enjoys this true story of a Polish man who risks his life to hide a Jewish family during World…

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  • Bud & Me by Alta Abernathy

    Bud & Me by Alta Abernathy

    Since we moved to Texas, we’ve been trying to learn as much as we can about its history and culture. So, like typical homeschoolers, we switched gears in the middle of the school year and jumped from Ancient Egypt to the history of the South because that’s where the science of relations was happening in…

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  • Caleb’s Lamb by Helen Santos

    Caleb’s Lamb by Helen Santos

    Caleb’s Lamb by Helen Santos is one of the greatest gems in our collection of children’s stories. Scripture is full of sheep and shepherd imagery: we, the sheep, and Jesus, our Great Shepherd who leads us.Through the mountains and fields with Asher The Shepherd and his flock; and Caleb, Asher’s aspiring shepherd-son and his precious…

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  • The Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von Schmid

    The Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von Schmid

    If you were to ask our two middle girls what story is their favorite, they would probably say, “The Basket of Flowers.” They have listened to Lamplighter Theatre’s recording of this classic story from the early 1800s dozens of times and nearly have it memorized. God never promised an easy life of wealth and prosperity…

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  • The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes

    The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes

    Most of the books I have collected for our kids were based on memories I had of them growing up, recommendations by trusted friends, or because I had the chance to leaf through the pages at a thrift store and was pleased with what caught my eye. For some reason, I absentmindedly added The Hundred…

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  • Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey by Tyler Van Halteren

    Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey by Tyler Van Halteren

    A dear friend lent me Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey, a version of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress that has been adapted for the youngest generation, and oh, how much we enjoyed it!  Classics that have been abridged usually do a disservice to the original, and to our children. “ [Books] should provide material for their mental growth,…

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